You probably heard the Galaxy note's sound is not good from an iPhone fan spreading FUD! And... he probably never even listened to the output of one.

I HAVE! I have played it through a 5kW system as well as my normal 500W speakers on a stick and I cannot fault the output in any way.

I am not a devotee of either the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy... or anything else for that matter! I use whatever is useful and performs the task at hand.

Some software is only available for iPad such as Cubasis and Auria. Some of the softsynths like the Korg iMS20, iPolysix and iElectribe are good iOS synths and beat the Android offerings hands down.

For me, playing back music files is better on the Android system using a file explorer like Antek Explorer which has its own built in player. Taking Word, Excel, PDF's and AutoCAD drawings out of the office and onto site is easier with Android.

When I started with tablets I got the ASus 2nd hand for a great price and programs such as Chordbot were only available for the Android hardware.

I can't fault either the iPhone, iPad, Asus Transformer or the Samsung Nexus Note II on sound quality.

So really it's swings and roundabouts on both systems.
