i assume you have a one drive system.
and the caviar is your new one drive ??
for 80 buks get yourself a dedicated drive to record to ,
7200 rpm 32 mb cache.
its a no brainer.
if running vista slap some extra ram in and see if this helps things.
if you have more buks check out raptor drives sometime.
lots of big studios use em, you might find a deal.
if you want fast boots use google // contact drive manufacturers
for more info. drive manufacturers are a good source for assessing how much impact
different drives have on boot times.
just be carefull over spending cos a whole new raft of drive tech
is prolly coming to work with the new i7 intel processors
which offer a big step up in performance.
particularly for people running real time fx plug ins.

a word of warning..lol
dont start looking at i7 performance for a daw...
you might just fall in love.
this is a serious processor...but pricey.

retired puter engr....powertracks on amd......NICE !
"what is the black art of audio engineering ?"
my silly songs...motagator.com/bmanning
see my tips in the tips section.