Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Aleck and Pat....

Are y'all writin' a song without me????

I may be offended.


I've never written a song, just tried to imitate other peoples' ideas. When I asked Aleck how to start with a piece of manuscript and end up with something as cool as what he does, he graciously offered to help me develop a song. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I didn't take it to mean a collaboration as much as a teacher-student exercise. I was kind of thinking he would listen to whatever I sent him, his rule-breaking mojo would kick in and he'd make all kinds of suggestions that I would never have considered in a million years.

Know what might be interesting...? To send the same basic idea to several of the key players in the forum and then see how each of them resolves the song. Tell you what.. whatever I send to Aleck I'll also send to you (and anybody else who wants to put their own spin on it) Then we'll post 'em all in the same thread and marvel at the many ways the same song can be interpreted.