Hi Lloyd,

This Bluetooth connected speaker from Altec Lansing goes with me and my laptop everywhere now. I used to use a now discontinued pair of tubular Altec Lansing amplified speakers that powered from USB and plugged into the Earphone Jack of the lappy, still have them.

Either is capable of being used as Nearfield Monitors for working in the field, as well as being loud and having enough of a fullrange sound to also play along with BiaB out on the trail in motels, hotels, etc. - even with my Trumpet and another Sax player. Not for performance sound levels, of course, but in the room, works a treat.

I also tote them along to private lessons for the same reason.

The Bluetooth ones are, of course the newest, I dig it, but you also may peruse the 'net at places like Amazon and Ebay for the older tuhular "BX1220" speakers, there may still be some around and the prices may be a lot lower due to the fact that Altec discontinued them.

Either model fits into my laptop shoulder bag along with the PGMusic USB drive, laptop, little Bluetooth mouse, Headphones, etc.

The Bluetooth model I use is called, "The Jacket" and the link below is to Altec's product page and video about it. Works with anything that has Bluetooth, too, not just the Lappy.


Check 'em out.
