Thanks, Mac, I have no doubt you are correct and I will eventually see for myself, but right now, I'm trying to figure out how to work the program(s). I still can't record audio in BIAB. The VU meters bounce, and, end of story. I'm trying to figure out what I'm missing. If recording occurs, how do you know?

I try to figure out what the documentation means by trying to figure out what the intended use of the program is. I figure there has to be some sort of basic idea, toward which the design is aimed. I thought that if the idea was to record a single audio track, that track would have some sort of icon or something, like the rest of the items in the mixer. Because, if not, how do you mix the single audio track, with the rest of the mixer tracks, in BIAB? Is it the intention of the programmers that you leave BIAB for RealBand to work on the audio track, and then come back?