A shame you hold such a biased and even prejudiced attitude about it, sixchannel. I hope you can look beyond that and find out some truth concerning the issu.

Some children are born with incredibly high intelligence levels and to them, such endeavors as depicted here IS "childhood".

Many times, the parents have nothing to do with it, no musical background themselves, and here comes this incredible kid.

Quite a few musical prodigies are the impetus themselves that has parents who don't play music, can't play music, therefore cannot do the type of things to the kid that you claim is done, rather the parents find out that they must go out and find the proper teachers, etc. - often at the insistence of the child. In the case of yours truly, my parents actually had to constantly be active in trying to make me participate in OTHER endeavors. !

Please watch this report:

And such is not relegated only to the music performance category, either.

None of these children's parents are even ABLE to teach or unduly influence the performance levels that these children ENJOY. They are simply doing that which they were created to do.

The real and true problem with being a child prodigy is that one day, you grow up.

All of a sudden you are faced with being just another adult that does whatever it is that adults do - and the sudden lack of being so special can be rather devastating if not handled well.

A lot of bright and gifted young children have nobody to BE their PROTEGE, too.
