Hi All,

I've been running PT in Vista using MME drivers.
If's been fine and after adjusting that MME offset value for Vista because the audio comes in offset by 50-70ms late, it works great to "offset" that. That PC can't run ASIO. No matter how I set it up, it cracks and pops, etc.

I got a new(er) pc which is running windows 8 and it CAN run ASIO. BUT, like the MME in Vista, the audio comes in a few ms late.

The original setting (MME Offset) of course doesn't affect the ASIO.

Am I missing one that does?

In ASIO4All, there's several settings for latency, but does that really affect where it "lands" in the tracks view?

Thanks in advance,


Last edited by jjcousin; 01/31/14 01:47 PM.