Originally Posted By: 90 dB

And what are those strange black boxes onstage....why they're amps, of course.

If you could slow down you would have read that I stated that the Bass player there was using his own amp/cabs.

The box on the ground to the guitar player's right is a road case of the type used to transport the L-1 with subwoofer setups.

Everyone else is indeed going through the Bose systems, yes, there are 5 of them there,

The way we do it is that each bandmember purchases one system. Consider that the keyboard player and the guitarist would have to purchase a separate instrument amp, then on top of that the drummer and the singers would have to purchase PA. Instead, 5 L-1s easily handles all of that. And again, that is OUTDOORS.

Can you cite some specs on that L1 system? No? Oh, that's right. Bose doesn't publish their specs. No frequency range, power output, SPLs.......nothing. Every other company does, but not Bose. They're special.

Can't speak to why they don't puhlish specs, but certainly can testify to the fact that the system flat works and works very well indeed.


Yeah. That's probably more than enough PA for the nursing homes. For a packed bar on a weekend.......not so much. grin

I use 'em in the bars, too, all the time.

You really need to tame the snark, it ain't workin' all that well for you.

Just an observation,
