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We are short on rights vis a vis the US of Eh.

The can bear arms.

Our women can walk around with no tops on.

They have the right to carry around a gun.

We have a right to get health care.

They have the right to remain silent but never do.

We have the right lose confidence in the government and have an election every other day.

They gotta wait until the 'term' is over.

We have the right to enter our country without a passport.

If they leave a coutnry they have to prove they are Mericans by showing a passport.

We have the right to to regular medical care provided by the governemt, or in go the Medcare or Medpoint and pay for a 3 hour physical with all the scans and whatever, or just go to the regular doc and pay squat.

We have the right to watch Sicko and shake our heads.

It will never resolve itself,

1. They have decided we are a commie nation.
2. They won every war and are omnipotent.
3. They know the only god.
4. They are the saviours of the free world.
5. They never caused any recession, they have the bestest financial system ever invented.
6. They make the best stuff, cars, sandals, beef, chicken, and ribs.

Just face facts, we are the worst, most inferior, commie, egg sucking bunch of idiots that ever landed on the planet. Amazing.

Oh, and I bet they soon will say they invented Band in a Box....

Never mind, I've got duct tape, and my stick is on the ice.

I'm taking a month self inposed time out....let the weak who arrive at the shores call up live help or the 1 800 number...but wait...if they did that they might have to prove they own a real copy....of Band in a Box...have I been helping posers all this time???

I was told to look beyond the narrow limitations of political or religious institutions.

I'm sticking by that.

I'm crawlling back in the socialist hole for one more BP is rising Mama, how high's the water?

John Conley
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They thereby ignore, in the name of "compassion", human nature, which has not and will not change, and arrogate unto themselves dictatorial powers to implement their schemes over the objections of the actual majority which is required to pay for it all. (That would be you middle- and upper-middle-class workers and entrepreneurs--far less than 50% of the population--who pay 95% of the income taxes in this country.)

What's compassion got to do with it? We discovered that a workforce that was looked after medically would be healthier and more able to work - and contribute to society (that's spelled t-a-x-e-s).

Dictatorial? We still think we're running a democracy, and the last time I checked, the leaders that implemented health care were elected democratically and believe it or not, got re-elected after they implemented the system (and continue to do so). And as far as I know, there isn't a dictatorship in the world that has universal health care. But I'm not be sure about Zimbabwe, maybe they have a system I'm not aware of. Incidentally the health care system in Iraq fell apart AFTER the invasion.

Far less than 50% of the population paying for it? As far as I know, everyone that is employed pays his share.

The unfortunate rich people will have to help out in the form of higher taxes? That's truly a shame - why it's enough to make one quit amassing a fortune. I've often wondered where the wealthy acquired their wealth? Do they print it?

Please tell me - how can the richest nation on Earth not afford a universal health care system?

Last edited by Glenn Kolot; 06/09/09 08:25 PM.
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When confronted with such at the design table, experience has taught me that the elegant answer very often lies in between the extremes.

You're right Mac. I'm at one extreme. I have excellent health care insurance. A good example of the other extreme is the health care system in Haiti. Cash on the barrel head or you die. Do we want that here?

Don S.

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It will never resolve itself,

1. They have decided we are a commie nation.
2. They won every war and are omnipotent.
3. They know the only god.
4. They are the saviours of the free world.
5. They never caused any recession, they have the bestest financial system ever invented.
6. They make the best stuff, cars, sandals, beef, chicken, and ribs.

Maybe 30 days off will do you good, John. I don't know how we'll make it though, without your daily reminders of all our short comings and our reliance on one God. Incidentally I have a lot of Canadian friends who share that same reliance.

Don S.

Last edited by Curmudgeon; 06/09/09 10:08 PM.
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An absorbing thread, as are many here, full of thoughtful contributions that make me and I guess many of us think critically about our pet assumptions and viewpoints .

May I add a correction to my claim above about the average level of annual income tax payed by the average full time adult income earner In Australia. I overlooked stating that there is a 1.5% levy on your annual income tax specifically to pay for the UHC system we call Medicare here. However, the total income tax figure I stated of $15-17,000 Australian dollars a year on an average annual full time adult income of $50,000-60,000 AUD includes the Medicare levy and thus remains correct.

So in short, on $55,000 annually you'd pay maybe $850 a year Medicare levy. Children, juveniles, students, pensioners and those on social welfare of some kind, eg. unemployed, disabled etc. get UHC for free. Regarding immigrants, you only have to qualify for permanent residency here to get it- don't even have to take out citizenship. Unbelievable largesse, really.

I'm no pinko, but having seen UHC in action from both sides of the bedrail for at least a generation I am solidly sold on it. However, I accept that societally it is a huge change of gears from for-profit health care, and possibly is just a bridge too far for the USA. Whether for good or bad, your whole culture just seem to be significantly more dollar-driven than mine.
Certainly different, to concur with Glenn above. But- worse...or better?


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Just to put a different light on this, we all have basically been comparing the US system to mostly Canada but also the UK and Australia. Commonwealth countries. I have a good friend who's from Paris and we had this discussion a few years ago and since I lived in Canada for 12 years, I started making the same points we've been talking about here. He told me that's all wrong when it comes to France, that the French system is much better than either the US or Canadian models and he told me to look it up. I thought he was just being a nationalist but I did look it up, there's several websites that compare the health care systems worldwide and you know what? He's right. The French system is not the Canadian or English ones. I can't go into all the details but the main point is it's a combination public and private system and I'm struck by the fact that that is sort of what Obama is talking about now. Conservatives love making fun of the French and if it were to be announced that it's the French system being used as a model, Limbaugh, Hannity et al would have an absolute field day. It's entirely possible that Obama may be looking at the French system but is not saying so. Some of you may want to check this out, I found it very surprising because nobody mentions France, it's always England or Canada that are held up as poster children for the wrong way to do it and with apologies to John, both of those countries ranked near the bottom, way behind most of Europe but France was, as my friend said, ranked at the top.
I also enjoyed your dissertation Richard, well done. I tend to land on that side too but still it's not right that some people have to be gutted financially by medical problems through no fault of their own. We can do better but to somehow overhaul an existing system to make the required changes is like Microsoft finally deciding to junk Windows and produce a truly good OS but everybody the world over would have to give up all of their legacy software and hardware to do it and start completely over. Tough choice.


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Bob (and others),

Would be interested to hear a bit more about these redeeming features of the French system vs. the quoted extremes of "for profit" vs. "socialised medicine". Could you point us to some more information and comparitive features?



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<...snip...>I don't want to get into an emotive argument here, this is not the place for it, but I just couldn't leave this comment alone - with the greatest of respect Notes, this is a cop out. Once fertilised, that egg is human. It ain't gonna hatch out as a frog, or a cat, or a lizard, or anything other than a human being<...>

OK, for the sake of discussion, I'll agree with you. To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure because the Science I believe in and the Religion I believe in don't always agree. It's confusing to this human's brain. As a male I feel I have less of a right to an opinion than the female who may be involved, unless it is my sperm that fertilized the egg, and fortunately I haven't been put to that test.

So if any fertilized egg is human, and if destroying any human life is murder I don't understand the nature of the protests that are exclusively directed towards abortion.

1) As mentioned earlier, what about the fact that the former President of the US bore false witness against our neighbor to kill over 100,000 innocent people. Grown up people, people who had husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, and unborn children in their wombs. Why isn't the government being picketed by the anti-abortionists?

2) Fertility clinics. Every day fertilized eggs in fertility clinics are discarded and destroyed. These are so called "extra" or "insurance" eggs. Logic tells me if a fertilized egg in a woman is human, and if an egg fertilized in a test tube can be implanted in a womb and grow it must be human, the fertilized egg in a test tube must also be human. And these fertilized eggs are disposed of regularly. So why aren't the fertility clinics being picketed for so-called murder by the anti-abortionists?

To make things more even confusing for my own mind, why is it OK to the anti-abortionists for the fertility clinics to discard that fertilized egg, but not extract stem cells from it before discarding it?

It's all so confusing. Not the moral sense but the inconsistency.

I am responsible for my own actions. I have practiced birth control all my life, even when the Catholic Church deemed that wearing a condom was as murderous as an abortion because I thought that God would decide if the sin of preventing an unwanted child from being born is greater than an unwanted child possibly living a desperate life. As far as I know, no child of mine has ever been aborted (since I am not female, I can never know for sure, but given the precautions I have taken, I am confident about this statement).

So I say that I agree with the statement that if taking all human life from a fertilized egg on up is indeed murder, then Bush and Cheney should be on trial, along with everybody who orders an egg destroyed in a fertility clinic.

If the government gets a hold of this concept, this is where it may eventually end up? Do you really want big brother legislating morals? Or should our religious leaders be in charge of our morals? Give to Caesar what is Caesars and give to God what is Gods.

So I'm confused. Perhaps someone can tell me why abortion is a sin, but the war in Iraq over imaginary WMDs is OK, and destroying "extra" fertilized eggs in a fertility clinic is also OK.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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I just did another Google search and I'm not finding the same websites I found a few years ago. One of them was really good too, very official and it offered a lot of detail.
Here's two I did find: The first is the WHO rankings WHO This is simply a ranking, no details. It's interesting to note that Canada, Australia and the US are basically grouped together in the 30's. I know the devil is in the details and who knows what went into these rankings. The second one seems to be a fairly authoritative article just last month from the Dallas Morning News This is a long detailed article but check out this quote from page 3:

The French government negotiates price ceilings with pharmaceutical companies. French doctors earn about 60 percent of what their American counterparts make, although they get free medical school tuition and don’t face high malpractice insurance premiums.

This is exactly on point with my comments from a few days ago. Make less but free med school? Total schooling for a doctor costs something like a quarter million bucks here and malpractice insurance is around a hundred grand a year and both are huge contributors to the high costs. Doctors may "make" much more in the US but are paying out a lot more too. Yet a government mandate to control these things completely flies in the face of our free market thinking and our rights to take someone to court. How much is enough if a hospital cuts off the wrong leg for example? Certainly you would be entitled to something, in Canada I think it's about 300K or so but here it's millions. There has to be a balance somewhere but how to achieve it is the big question.


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A good start would be to realize that when using the words science and religion in a sentence like that one, well, they should not start with capital letters...


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I'm guessing that Canadian Doctors dont pay similar premiums because awards on law suits are capped reasonably ( applaudes) and Canada isn't an overly litigious society like we are ( boo). In fact, I'm ready for some good lawyer jokes. Anyone?

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A good start would be to realize that when using the words science and religion in a sentence like that one, well, they should not start with capital letters...


Thanks Mac. We need grammar police

All this is confusing with a moderate who thinks the conservatives have some good points, the liberals have some good points, and the extremists on both sides of the fence are simply too extreme for my way of thinking.

All thinks in moderation, including political ideology.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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Mac Offline
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Thanks Mac. We need grammar police

All this is confusing with a moderate who thinks the conservatives have some good points, the liberals have some good points, and the extremists on both sides of the fence are simply too extreme for my way of thinking.

All thinks in moderation, including political ideology.


Not grammar, exactly. But capitalizing those two terms yields the "digital" either/or result that I spoke of earlier in this thread.

I do agree about both sides having some good points. The converse is of course also true then. Both sides also have some bad points. No question.


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<...snip...>I don't want to get into an emotive argument here, this is not the place for it, but I just couldn't leave this comment alone - with the greatest of respect Notes, this is a cop out. Once fertilised, that egg is human. It ain't gonna hatch out as a frog, or a cat, or a lizard, or anything other than a human being<...>

OK, for the sake of discussion, I'll agree with you. To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure because the Science I believe in and the Religion I believe in don't always agree. It's confusing to this human's brain. As a male I feel I have less of a right to an opinion than the female who may be involved, unless it is my sperm that fertilized the egg, and fortunately I haven't been put to that test.

So if any fertilized egg is human, and if destroying any human life is murder I don't understand the nature of the protests that are exclusively directed towards abortion.

1) As mentioned earlier, what about the fact that the former President of the US bore false witness against our neighbor to kill over 100,000 innocent people. Grown up people, people who had husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, and unborn children in their wombs. Why isn't the government being picketed by the anti-abortionists?

2) Fertility clinics. Every day fertilized eggs in fertility clinics are discarded and destroyed. These are so called "extra" or "insurance" eggs. Logic tells me if a fertilized egg in a woman is human, and if an egg fertilized in a test tube can be implanted in a womb and grow it must be human, the fertilized egg in a test tube must also be human. And these fertilized eggs are disposed of regularly. So why aren't the fertility clinics being picketed for so-called murder by the anti-abortionists?

To make things more even confusing for my own mind, why is it OK to the anti-abortionists for the fertility clinics to discard that fertilized egg, but not extract stem cells from it before discarding it?

It's all so confusing. Not the moral sense but the inconsistency.

I am responsible for my own actions. I have practiced birth control all my life, even when the Catholic Church deemed that wearing a condom was as murderous as an abortion because I thought that God would decide if the sin of preventing an unwanted child from being born is greater than an unwanted child possibly living a desperate life. As far as I know, no child of mine has ever been aborted (since I am not female, I can never know for sure, but given the precautions I have taken, I am confident about this statement).

So I say that I agree with the statement that if taking all human life from a fertilized egg on up is indeed murder, then Bush and Cheney should be on trial, along with everybody who orders an egg destroyed in a fertility clinic.

If the government gets a hold of this concept, this is where it may eventually end up? Do you really want big brother legislating morals? Or should our religious leaders be in charge of our morals? Give to Caesar what is Caesars and give to God what is Gods.

So I'm confused. Perhaps someone can tell me why abortion is a sin, but the war in Iraq over imaginary WMDs is OK, and destroying "extra" fertilized eggs in a fertility clinic is also OK.


Al Gore & WMD
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Who's Who of The Democrat Party & WMD
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Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney. Man you must really hate these guys.

My best to you,

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<...snip...>Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney - Bush and Cheney. Man you must really hate these guys.

My best to you,

As a matter of fact, I think they were the worst US leaders of my lifetime, perhaps of US history. Do I hate them? No. Do I think they are criminals? Yes.

Hate is non-productive, and it interferes with logical thinking so I try to avoid that emotion (not always successfully, but I'm only human).

Now if my daughter gets assigned to Iraq and doesn't come home in one piece, then I will hate them.

Personally, I believe they lied about the WMDs to convince us to invade Iraq for the profitable benefits to the oil companies, defense contractors, their own personal fortunes, and the Federal Reserve Bank, at the expense of the taxpayers.

After all, WMDs are only good as a deterrent. If Saddam had WMDs and we came rattling our sabers at his door, he would have said, "Hit me and I'll nuke you" as North Korea is doing. At the point where we were threatening invasion, he would have had nothing to lose by using them as a deterrent. So any fool at that point should have known there were no WMDs. And since Bush and Cheney were at the helm, and pushing very hard to convince congress to authorize the invasion, they bear the responsibility.

The resulting deaths of over 100,000 people, including over 4,000 of America's Finest servicemen and servicewoman is in my opinion, a travesty. Add to that the number of war injured who will never be able to live a normal life and it gets worse. Anyone who can murder that many people deserve a fair trial and just punishment if found guilty, even if they are our elected officials. As of today, about 100,000 documented civilian deaths have resulted by our unprovoked invasion of the sovereign country of Iraq. That makes us the terrorists and Bush and Cheney the leaders of the biggest terrorist organization of the 21st century.

I would feel the same way if they were Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, or members of the Whig party.

I still hear people (mostly Republicans) constantly complain about Clinton and Gore, too. I wasn't too wild about that team, I didn't vote for them, but at least we had a balanced budget.

I have no allegiance to either political party, I'm registered as an independent.

I am a patriot, and when I see my country's leaders doing the wrong thing, I feel it is my patriotic duty to point that out and voice my opinion.

I know the entire thing is very complicated, and we are not all privy to all the information, and I do respect the fact that we are all caring about the subject, even if we have formed different opinions about the problems that face us and their solutions.

That is why respectable dialog that doesn't resort to personal attacks is a good thing.

Perhaps someone can clear up my confusion as to why abortion is more heinous than an unprovoked war killing 100,000 Iraqi civilian adults, killing over 4,000 US servicemen and women, and causing over 45,000 US people to be brought home for injuries so great that the could no longer serve (According to DOD, a total of 45,583 individuals were medically evacuated from OIF [Operation Iraq Freedom] from March 19, 2003, to February 28, 2009)

... and also why it is more heinous than a fertility clinic discarding "extra" embryos, it just doesn't make sense to me.

And if these two examples are more heinous than abortions, why aren't they being picketed?

"Confusedly", Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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G'day Notes,
I know this is getting really off topic guys, I apologise.


<snip> To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure because the Science I believe in and the Religion I believe in don't always agree. It's confusing to this human's brain.<snip>

I'm happy to address this, but as stated, I do not want to get into a specific abortion debate - they always seem to degenerate into emotional bun fights and never actually address real issues.

IMHO the reason that science and religion don't seem to agree on points is basically down to interpretation. On the one hand we have bad science and on the other we have bad religion. A classic case in point is our friend Copernicus. He correctly identified good old Sol as the centre of our solar system, but the religious authorities of the day decided that didn't fit with their narrow understanding of what the Bible teaches - they erroneously decided that God must have made the Earth the centre of the universe - there is nothing in my reading of the Word that comes even close to supporting this.

On the other hand we have another highly emotive issue - evolution... I have followed the evolution debate over several decades and it is my opinion that it is at least as much a religion as my Christian beliefs - perhaps more so. It certainly requires a significant amount of faith to continue believing in atoms to man evolution when all the real evidence not only does not support it, but actually disproves it. Add to that the things we are told in support of evolutionary theory are so continuously obfuscated and misrepresented. I would take evolutionists far more seriously if they would simply be honest, with themselves as much as with the rest of us.

Another interesting example of interpretation being an important factor: Some time ago I saw part of a documentary where some interesting data relating to brain construction had emerged from autopsy results. It appeared that the brains of known homosexual men were more feminine in construction than they were masculine. The immediate deduction was that this was evidence that homosexuality was the result of a female brain in a male body. I have a problem with this... The part of me that likes to understand the "nuts and bolts" of things immediately asked the question; "What is cause and what is effect?" Were they homosexual because they had feminine brains or did their brains become feminised because of their homosexual lifestyle? This question was NOT asked by the researchers, yet it is known that lifestyle can have physical effects on the brain. Thus IMHO the research was incomplete. They assumed the brain data was evidence of "cause" and didn't even consider that it might be "effect". What I consider an obvious question was not even asked much less taken into consideration. IMHO this is bad science.

WRT the morality of killing... Something that seems to be commonly misquoted is the commandment "Thou shalt not kill". Actually, the commandment is "Thou shalt not MURDER". Now I know the difference is largely semantics, and the principle of not killing is a good one. In fact, it is one that I choose to live by. But I'll tell you this, threaten my family and I'll kill you as soon as look at you. And I won't turn a hair, as far as I'm concerned that is not murder, it's pest control... so long as the threat is real. IMHO there is no difference between abortion and killing adults or discarding fertilised ova. I do NOT support embryonic stem cell research - especially since there seems to be significant evidence that adult stem cell research is considerably more productive. But even if it weren't, it is immoral to create a human life in order to kill it and harvest cells just so someone else might benefit. I can choose to give my life, an embryo cannot.

When the WMD arguments were being first floated I confess to being gullible enough to accept them. That said, I also believe that something needed to be done about Saddam Hussein. It is unacceptable that dishonesty was used to make it happen. It is a reality that there are evil people amongst us. We have a responsibility to protects ourselves from them. But who are they??? E.G. Saddam Hussein's rise to power was facilitated by the US government some 30 years ago when they were fighting Iran - bad choice i reckon. Who were the evil people? Saddam Hussein & co. or the US government representatives who made the decision to support him - or both? Or neither? I suggest there is no doubt that Saddam was, from our perspective, an evil man - a proven murderer. But the West is not wholly innocent either.

There are no cut and dried answers. For myself, I try to live my life according to the precepts I've learned from the Bible. I believe Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour and do my best to live according to His commandments. He was a man of peace, I endeavour to be. He was a healer, I try to do what I can to help people heal. He truly loved, I do the best I can and try as hard as I can to not let hate and intolerance govern me. He is my example, but I am not perfect. When I fail He has purchased forgiveness for me provided I truly repent.

Sin is a concept that has many interpretations. Let me give the one I understand from the Bible: "Sin is disobedience to God". Nothing more, nothing less. It is not necessarily killing or stealing or beating people up or rape or any number of abhorrent things. These things are covered, and in Jesus new commandment "Love one another as I have loved you" we have a practical example of how to make it work. He loved us enough to put our lives before His own. It is a sad thing that the world cannot, and will not, live this way.

Last edited by Lawrie; 06/10/09 05:41 PM.

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Excellent points, Lawrie.

Don S.

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IMO, evolution has so many holes ( many missing links) that it's nothing more than pop-fiction anymore. And you used the word "evidence" perfectly. Flip side of the coin is there also is 0 evidence to support the "Adam and Eve" arguement. ( fairytail IMO ) Absolutely 0 evidence there too. 0 science. To me ,the most logical reason how we all got here is we were built ( i.e. created by other people that have been around for perhaps millions or billions of years. Quick story... ( yall probably think I'm nuts but this stuff facinates me) My father was a big shot in the Army in the early 50's. He worked for the DOD ( Department of Defense) His top secret clearance was 38 levels above Q ( highest clearance there is) He had a stroke a couple of years ago and told my brother and I things that were too incredible to beleive. Has to do with UFO's and what he refers to as " the other people" ( not aliens) He disclosed this info cause he wanted us to know before he dies ( he's 81 now) All I'll say is when you get the chance, go to YouTube and type in the search field " The disclosure Project" . And from there you'll find links that are simply amazing. My Dad says we are not nor have ever ben alone. Very cool stuff.

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If Obama succeeds, he will get an A.
If Obama fails, Bush will get an F.

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(Except that it's too true to be funny.)


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Henry Clarke: Revolutionize Your Band-in-Box® Tracks with Regenerating Function

One of the new features added with Band-in-Box® 2024 is the Tracks Window, which will look familiar if you've worked with other DAWs.

Henry Clarke explains why he loves the Re-generation function within the Tracks Window in their video Revolutionize Your Band-in-Box® Tracks with Regenerating Function.

Watch video.

Learn even more about what the Tracks Window can do with our video Band-in-a-Box® 2024: The Tracks Window.

User Video: Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box®

The Bob Doyle Media YouTube channel is known for demonstrating how you can creatively incorporate AI into your projects - from your song projects to avatar building to face swapping, and more!

His latest video, Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box, he explains in detail how you can use the Melodist feature in Band-in-a-Box with ACE Studio. Follow along as he goes from "nothing" to "something" with his Band-in-a-Box MIDI Melodist track, using ACE Studio to turn it into a vocal track (or tracks, you'll see) by adding lyrics for those notes that will trigger some amazing AI vocals!

Watch: Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 German for Windows is Here!

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 für Windows Deutsch ist verfügbar!

Wir waren fleißig und haben über 50 neue Funktionen und eine erstaunliche Sammlung neuer Inhalte hinzugefügt, darunter 222 RealTracks, neue RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, abspielbare RealTracks Set 3, abspielbare RealDrums Set 2, zwei neue Sets von "RealDrums Stems", XPro Styles PAK 6, Xtra Styles PAK 17 und mehr!

Paket | Was ist Neu

Update Your PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 Today!

Add updated printing options, enhanced tracks settings, smoother use of MGU and SGU (BB files) within PowerTracks, and more with the latest PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 update!

Learn more about this free update for PowerTracks Pro Audio & download it at

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