Originally Posted By: c_fogle
Pat, how do you currently work around this issue?

I have a folder for each song project.

In that folder I put any data that might be useful, (for example a text file of the lyrics, midi files, karaoke files, the original studio version, the BIAB file used to capture the essence of the idea, and the SEQ file created when I open the BIAB file in RB.)

Then since the entire folder is dedicated to the song, I save multiple versions of the project if I need to tweak the chords for different parts. I save each version by instrument name.. for example "acoustic guitar.seq" or "strings.seq"

Once I get the parts tweaked, I export them to individual WAVs and import each track separately into the master project, which is named after the song title. I mix in the master project.

This approach works fine, but it is not as slick as it would be to keep the whole project in one file. My gut feeling is that since there is a way to accomplish what I want without changing the program, PGMusic will opt to focus their efforts on new features that aren't possible in other DAWs. But the tabs would be cool.

Usually I just opt for the easy way and don't bother to make the changes that would make the song more dynamic. The tabs would make it convenient enough that I would be far more likely to "mix it up" and experiment with variations in the chord sheet for each instrument. I think if this were a feature, we would see a change in the way most of us approach the song creation process, and the resulting songs would be far less inclined to sound like they were created in an automated environment.

The telltale sign of a song created in BIAB is the way all instruments uniformly follow the chord sheet. IMO, the differences in style aren't enough to approximate the differences in phrasing that are the hallmark of live performances. BUT...(IMO) the combination of styles plus chord sheet variability would provide results that are indistinguishable from live performance.

And that's why I keep pestering for this feature. wink