Hi Larry,
Thank you for all the info, I believe I have it sorted.
I finally worked out how to check where my files were. Didn't even realise what they were, until I read one of your recent posts. Lot of catching up to do.

[quote=Out of Cacophony]
You can help verify the lost instruments message refers to Hi-Q stuff by right clicking on the radio button of a midi track at the top of the screen; choose the 'Select Hi-Q midi synth patch' and you will get the error message in every case if the folders are a lost tribe.

Thank you, I did that, and realized my files weren't actually missing. I selected the so called missing patch and re saved the demo song. No more missing patch error.
Hope this works with any others I may come across.


[quote=RWilliams]I'm fairly certain it was only after I installed build 412 that I started to get this error message when I tried to use a HiQ instrument patch.

Thank you for pointing that out. I formatted my old laptop, got it working , or at least so far so good. I installed my old biab 2013 program, that particular hi q patch on the demo song wasn't missing, I then installed biab 2014 over the top, still not missing.

Installed biab 2015 still not missing, installed the 49 pack, everything still ok, installed the full update 414, the errors popped up with missing instruments, even though as it turns out , the instrument patches weren't actually missing from my files.

Anyway now I'm sorting out my new laptop, didn't want to mess around with it too much by unloading and reloading programs on a brand new laptop , just in case I messed thing up even worse.

Anyway, thank you all for your input, it's made my husband very happy that it got sorted and that he doesn't have to put up with my unhappy face. Haha

best wishes

BIAB 2020
Yamaha sx900