Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
I still can't get it to play... (been having trouble with Sound Cloud playing lately)

but I guess you're aware that the PGMusic facebook page featured this song today...?


OK, it finally played for me!
It was definitely fun for ME to listen to, but I like the fact that it sounds like YOU had a lot of fun performing it! It was very evident in several places that you were totally unencumbered by self conscious "song writing" inhibitions, because you couldn't have whole-heartedly played with the timing and inflections the way you did unless you were just having a blast!

I especially liked your change of delivery at the lines:
"He was holding that door and smiled hello
Oh I thought I might be dead

sounded like you were totally smitten! (I assume that's the feeling you were shooting for, right?)

And the fact that it's based on a true story makes a very clever and fun song all the more intriguing on a whole new level!

Nice project all around Josie! It made me happy to hear you cut loose and let yourself have fun with it!