Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
Hi Bud and Janice,

This song kinda reminds me of Mr Bo Jangles, because both songs are nostalgic examinations of a man, they're both pop-Americana style songs, and they both contain an accordion. Not a lot of songs fit that description. If you added a mandolin, it would be even closer! wink

This is a bit of a departure from your established style... but I think that's part of what this forum is all about: creating an environment where people will try new things and push those boundaries into fresh territory!

I was expecting Tommy to add pedal steel, but this guitar does a great job of creating a completely different kind of motif for a completely different kind of song.

Man, I really like that accordion!

Janice, as usual you bring a great deal of emotion to the story with your vocal inflections and signature sliding vocal style.

Bud, you remain the master of the minimal mix. You're the one guy who nobody could ever say "needs more cowbell". You also wrote the song and lyrics, right? Very cool!

My biggest takeaway on this song is that everybody involved stepped outside their comfort zone and pulled it off! Great job everybody!

By the way, you got me with the false ending at 3:10. Just so ya know. I mean I was totally resolved then the song unresolved me then resolved me again. I was so confused I had to get my drivers license out to see who I am. That was great. Like drugs, only no side effects. wink

Thanks Pat. Interesting about you mentioning the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. I hadn't thought of that song in many years and, yup, there are certainly similarities.

Venturing out is both fun and filled on occasion with some trepidation. But, hey, after playing hardcore bluegrass of and on for 40+ years everything we do with BiaB is out of my comfort zone.

Thanks for mentioning the mix. There are a few folks here who work miracles with large numbers of tracks and it sounds great. Me? 4-6 tracks is about it for my old brain.

Thanks again!