Originally Posted By: cubanpete
Wow, Janice and Tom! What's not to like? Great mix with the RT's and live playing (terrific as always).

Mike B.
Hey neighbor. Thanks for stopping by. We appreciate it. Tom
Originally Posted By: PeteG
I saw your title the other day and have been meaning to have a listen. I thought that has to be country with that hooky title - BINGO! Just Great - Joanne you really sold it with your vocal - very pro! And Tommy great stuff on the guitars and steel. I used to have demos done by a steel player named Marty Rifkin in Santa Monica. Wondered if you might have heard him? I really enjoyed it. I always keep my visine handy in my car. cool ---Pete
Pete, Thanks for listening and commenting. Marty sure has a strong resume. The demo business is drying up with the advent of BIAB. Thanks again. Tom
Originally Posted By: big741
I quite enjoyed this number.

Great job!

Thanks for the music,
Thanks for the kind words Dan. Tom