Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Killer song!! Great groove, great arrangement, great vocal, and a chorus that really delivers. Really feels good-lively, energetic, and inspirational. Guitar solo rocks!! This song should be a hit. Love all your stuff Tom, but from a commercial standpoint, this is the best!! Take care. Greg
Well Greg, You've already had two reviews of your review. That says it all. I am knocked out by your words. I got a great feeling when I read what you took the time to type. Thanks man, Tom
Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Killer song!! Great groove, great arrangement, great vocal, and a chorus that really delivers. Really feels good-lively, energetic, and inspirational. Guitar solo rocks!! This song should be a hit. Love all your stuff Tom, but from a commercial standpoint, this is the best!! Take care. Greg

Now...see what ya started...Greg is just gonna sneak in and write the perfect review just so we will quote him.. He said all the things I thought as I listened...
but from a commercial standpoint, this is the best!!
...especially that..

Radio ear candy.

I've already listened 5 times. There will be more...

What radio are you guys listening to? Maybe someday on BiAB radio. Thanks floyd. Tom
Originally Posted By: Sergio Guarneri
good song and great guitar solo.

Sergio, Thanks from one guitar man to another. Tom
Originally Posted By: RnAM
Hi Tom,

Yes, definitely another rocker, melodic and with a great chorus.
Above all, a crystal clear sound on the mix. How do you do this?

Rob and Anne-Marie
Rob and Ann-Marie, first of all Thanks. As far as the clarity on the mix, it is a several step process. I use plug ins on all the instruments on almost every song. The real clarity comes in the mastering phase. My philosophy is mids are the enemy. So I concentrate on lows and highs and drop mids. Also I use an analog limiter turned up to just before it distorts too much as the final phase. I use Ozone 5 for mastering and tweak 6 out of eight modules to fit the song. Tom