Use of Soundfonts can indeed represent a very good way to go when a software synthesizer, or at least a MIDI synth that lives inside the computer, is desired.

Use of one of the Creative cards that run the Soundfonts from their own external engine can open that up even further, emulating a hardware synthesizer in terms of latency (near zero when done right), plus you can try all sorts of available GM, GS and other banks of sounds without resorting to vast expenditure.

With a bit more self-research and education on the subject, one can even learn how to mix and match Soundfonts to create their own custom soundbanks, using programs like the good old (and somewhat complicated to master) Vienna program from Creative, or perhaps start out by finding a copy of the good old easier to use Drag 'n Drop "Soundfont Librarian" program.

The tradeoff is learning curve.
