these are just opinions since you asked . . .

Several have stated on here that the vocals are too far back in the mix . . . I agree

scratch or production, the vocals have to be the main part in worship - they have to come through and not struggle to do so more than any other audio in the song . . . after all, they are the message - they are the proclamation

besides the mix, harmonies on "be the light" and "be the love" would stick out nicely . . .
they would also reiterate your song title and purpose (lend to the hook)

for personal preference, I would make the drums in the chorus drive a bit more - not fills necessarily, you could even use a floor tom along with bass drum to accentuate . . . but something that takes it up just a notch above the verse to say" hey this is the important part"

of course, songs like this are near and dear to my heart and your lyrics convey this most important command well . . .

You have a good song here . . . needs some polish and it will be a good one

the break and build at 2:56 is good but there is no build out of it . . . it would seem to accentuate what you have done and are trying to accomplish if the drums build a lil and add some tension

The electric guitar part at 2:25 sticks out to me - I wonder if a cleaner lead (like a fender through a jazz chorus)wouldn't be more what you are trying to accomplish sonically?

the outro is louder and bigger sounding than the earlier parts of the song . . . may be as simple as bringing some of the extra vox down in the mix . . .

hope this has been helpful . .


Last edited by Even If; 01/22/16 06:27 AM.