Interesting idea, Noel. I will be upgrading my Windows 7 to Windows 10 (not a clean install).

So, obviously my Windows 7, and all my programs and documents reside on my C drive at the moment. I have a spare 1 TB drive that could be used for your idea. Would I do a clean Windows 10 install to that drive (not an upgrade)? When I download the Windows 10 updating tool, how do you tell it to install Windows 10 cleanly on the separate drive? I love the idea. That way, I could take my time about the transition. Further details please. And no, this idea has not been put forth, as of yet. Really appreciate it. I'd even be willing to invest in an SSD drive if that would work better. Could I also install my Cubase 8 Artist to the SSD drive, alongside BIAB?

Many thanks.

- Lee

Last edited by Lee Batchelor; 05/10/16 02:09 AM.

Gear: Tyros 5, MOX8, SoundCraft EFX12 mixer, two Bose L1 Compacts, Yamaha HS-8 monitors, BIAB 2016 UltraPlusPAK, Cubase 8, Steinberg UR-44 interface.

"If everyone played a musical instrument, we wouldn't need police officers or armies." Lee B.