Wow! Guenter, you are the remix MASTER! I LOVED this!

Unlike a lot of the other entries I could imagine hearing your version on a CD... some of the others were just weird.. as though they tried to outdo one another in edginess.

One of the things I especially like about these projects is that you get to start with GREAT vocals, and this was no exception. I really like the vocalists style, and you did a great job of creating not just a suitable accompaniment for her, but a truly exciting sound track for her singing!

When you enter these contests do you ever get a notice of your ranking when the contest ends? It would be interesting to run a remix contest in which the listeners get to vote on their favorite version!

I'd vote for yours, as it is far more MUSICAL than everything else I randomly sampled. Anyway, glad to see that you are still participating in the remix world... and still coming up with highly creative mixes!