I looked at the tutorial, which seems to be the same as the help. Am I safe in assuming it is?

It says:

"It appears from looking at the chordsheet that this 32 bar form consists of two 16 bar sections, with a 1st ending at
bar 9, and a 2nd ending at bar 25."

I don't get it. How did this chordsheet come to be? Who entered the chords that way, and why? It "appears to consist of" . . . didn't the person who wrote it know what he was doing? Just entering chords, tra la . . . and it happened to come out right?

To "repeat":

1. Input 4 bars intro
2. Input 16 bars verse
3. Set repeat to begin at bar 5 and last for 16 bars

Doesn't work. Doesn't matter if I check "insert new bars" or not. That's dumb anyway. There are no new bars. There are 16 bars that are repeated. That's what "repeat" means.