Tom.... your replies are now becoming a bit childish. Everyone here is really trying to help you. To say that PG music goes to great lengths to "hide" something important from you is a really big stretch. You've lost trust in them because they didn't provide you with some minutia details that really doesn't matter? Really? Get a grip. They provide you with some amazing software. Learn what it does before you go ripping them for what you feel is something they didn't include in the manual.

Now this.....

The main reason repeats were invented for sheet music was for a few simple reasons. All music was written and transcribed by hand during that time. Imagine having to get 50 copies of a classical piece together for an orchestra or a choir before the days of the printing press. They didn't normally write 3 minutes songs like we do now. They had masterpieces that were really long.

Now imagine having to write it all out in a linear form. It would be extraordinarily time consuming. So someone invented the repeats and d.c. al codas to make the task of copying the music and duplication much less time consuming. Not only the time savings, but at the time, good quality paper was also a rare commodity and very expensive. So, using the signs and road maps saved time, money, and paper. It was common sense.

No, it's not really needed now days. With modern printing and cheap paper,it's not really needed anymore. Using it is traditional and will save some trees if the music is on paper.... but it's now becoming popular to use a computer and software to display the music, so..... nope.... it's not needed. Can you say "teleprompter" and "laptops"?

I'm not making up terminology to suit my personal needs. I'm classically trained. I'm using the terminology I learned in my music lessons so many decades ago. My piano teacher taught me all that terminology and more. My music theory class.... 2 years of study in music theory by itself taught me so much more and added to what my piano teacher was teaching me. I was expected to know it and use it which I did. Just so you know... I also had several years of drum lessons and played percussion in the school orchestra and the marching band. So, my background in music is fairly extensive. I'm self taught on guitar and mandolin.

Now, here you come, as a new user..(and Welcome to the group BTW) ... we've been using this software for many, many years, using it in BOTH ways... some like to use it folded and others prefer it unfolded according to our preferences.... both of which work perfectly, by the way...and you're ready to file a complaint against PG because you think they shorted you on information from the manual about how something works behind the scenes?

First of all..... there's no way, with everything this software can do, that PG can put every detail in the manual. If they did, it would be like the Encyclopedia Britannica. Very large, heavy and expensive. The manual is to help get you started. Then, you're expected to take it from there.

Second, like the rest of us, you will need to figure out, on your own mostly, how you want to accomplish what YOU specifically want to do and how you want to do it regarding the use of this program, regardless, or in spite of, what the manual does and doesn't tell you.

We can offer our insights learned from using it for many years. Hopefully, our goal is to save you hours of frustration and get on track quickly. You can decide if you like that advice or want to blaze your own path and learn it that hard way, on your own.


Last edited by Guitarhacker; 05/25/16 03:00 AM.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.