Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Beautiful, Tom. Again. (..and again, and again).

"mind frame/endgame" - nice.

Noel covered it all well - "Everything about it is outstanding; you name it, vocals, arrangement, mix, everything." The arrangement invites you in and then the words rip out your heart...

That cello is tucked in there nicely.

Your vocals just keep notching higher with every new song...

floyd, Thanks for the great comments. That cello works well in a lot different songs. It's a bit of challenge not to use in every one. Tom
Originally Posted By: Atze Akkerman

Wow great song. A lot of great things have been said already about your song that I agree about it. The Mix and master on your song really puts a nice polish to an already great mix. Really Pro all around.

Thanks Atze, I have learned a great deal about mixing and mastering by hanging out on this website. It's a great resource for learning engineering. Tom
Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Yep. Another nice tune.

Gordon Lightfoot vibes all over this.

Hey Herb, I never thought of G Lightfoot, but I can see now where you hear that. Thanks for checking in. Tom