Paul, can you give details of your OS and hardware? I had a similar problem when I first bought BIAB three months ago. I was running Windows 7 Pro on a Quad core Pentium 4, 2.66 GHz, 4GB RAM. I kept getting error messages, and the chord sheet wouldn't open. Best we could determine was a corrupted or missing registry entry.

Try running all the malware tools you can find. Do you use CCleaner? I do, but I never use the Registry cleaning tool. I've used them in the past and ended up with a disaster on my hands. Apparently, Windows performance doesn't change even when the Registry is cleaned up. That's likely a VERY hot topic, but if it's true, it's one of the VERY few things Microsoft has ever got right. Perhaps you can try defragging the disk drive.

To solve my problem, I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro. Other than some features and apps that aren't ready, I find it to be their best OS since XP. I use BIAB UltraPak Plus, Build 435. No issues.

Keep us informed. We'll get you up and running!

Gear: Tyros 5, MOX8, SoundCraft EFX12 mixer, two Bose L1 Compacts, Yamaha HS-8 monitors, BIAB 2016 UltraPlusPAK, Cubase 8, Steinberg UR-44 interface.

"If everyone played a musical instrument, we wouldn't need police officers or armies." Lee B.