Thanks for listening. I'm glad you liked it. I'll have it on Soundcloud soon and let you know.

I think "eerie romantic" I'll have to add that to the song description. About the piano, I wanted to add some "air" to the sound of the piano to give it a more eerie feeling so I mic'ed my piano (the one in the picture by the way) about two feet away. Not exactly the sound I wanted but close.

Cool observation. I'm glad you like the concept and lyrics. As you may know, my wife helps improve my typically weak lyrics. Regarding the title hook, I called it "Moonglow" originally but never was comfortable with that due the famous "Moonglow" from the swing era.

Thanks. Always good to hear from you.

Thanks for commenting.

Thanks. I usually compose using a piano but this composed on guitar. It definitely takes you in a different direction.

Thanks. I appreciate you listening.