What you are going to get here is little more than a vote for what each poster uses. If this guy uses that DAW and knows it well, of course it is easy to use. FOR HIM. Usually what you get is "This is what I could get for free (or very little money) and I don't want to spend a lot of money because I am not a professional full time musician." I have read these kinds of posts for years here. This guy says Reaper is the best ever. That guy says Sonar. Yet another says Samplitude.

Remember what BIAB/RB is supposed to be. It is a composition tool. It HAS a DAW in it, but it is not meant to be a major league studio DAW for producers who rent out their studio for money.

The best analogy I can use is that you CAN drive nails with the back of your electric drill, but is that what your electric drill is made for?

My perspective is based only on this. If I go to 50 basketball games, and every gym uses Spalding as their house basketball, there must be a reason for that, and that reason could possibly be that Spalding is the best basketball. If most major studios use, and have been using, Pro Tools, draw your own conclusion. Then you get the crew that still records analog on 2 inch tape, making that cliche claim about how analog recording makes the best sound. Well, I disagree. I suspect that for that subset of recording people the issue is more likely that they are not computer strong and don't want to invest the time to learn Pro Tools.

I leave you with this. When has more knowledge, about ANY topic, ever been a bad thing? Aren't we supposed to keep growing and expanding as we go through life? Learn something new. If it's in music, learn a new instrument. Learn new software. If it's outside of music, take up cooking if you can't cook. Take up woodworking if you can't cut a straight line or drive a nail. Study the physics of how an airplane flies. (Everybody kinda sorta knows about high pressure under the wing and lower pressure over the wing, but there's more. Ailerons, flaps, slats, rudders, elevators, pitot tubes....) Make some waves in your life. A boat that doesn't rock at all is also probably dead in the water.

But, yeah. Pro Tools. LOL!

Last edited by eddie1261; 11/25/16 04:59 PM.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.