My .02

Using BIAB live has many advantages such as being able to change the key, tempo, style, choruses, etc. Being able to switch drums from sticks to brushes 'on the fly' has been a lifesaver for me on many occasions. I still bring a MP3 player with my songs in case of a computer failure but have not needed it yet (Knock on wood). One time, BIAB lost it ability to play audio so I had to switch from RealDrums to Midi. I was not happy but got through. A System Restore after the gig brought the audio back.

A disadvantage is when using RealTracks. They take about 8 - 10 seconds per RT to generate. If you use several in a song, you can do the math. To speed up the process you can 'Freeze' the song, which makes an audio file. The song will load and play instantly, regardless of the number of RTs. However, once frozen, the advantages mentioned above don't apply.