Originally Posted By: rockstar_not
Opening a clothes closet door that has lots of clothes in it and placing the mic in the opening while you stand in the room will do a superior job compared to any of the products shown above. It's a matter of simple physics of wavelength. Those short little wedges only absorb higher frequencies. Try it, and you'll see what I mean

I should add that I also hang a heavy blanket behind the singer/voice-over artist. Reflections from behind the singer are just as (sometimes more) important than those in front. I use my CAD reflection filter mostly to eliminate some of the room noise. I have also placed a piece of acoustic foam over the top from time to time for additional isolation. The main advantage of reflection filters is form factor. Sure, a closet or lots of blankets will do as good of job or better, but do you really want that cluttering your studio space/office/house all the time?

2020 BIAB Audiophile, Mixcraft Pro 9
Band: http://www.midwesternlull.com