Without having a 1080 or the same SRX expansion card it would be difficult to test to see if I had it right.
Which SRX card did you get?

It's also possible to find a Cakewalk/Sonar patch map and convert it to RB or BiaB, if you happen to find someone with the same SRX card.
There are more than a few people here that have a 1080 so I'm hoping one of them notices this thread and may be able to help you easier than I could.
Anyway, using the 1080 Patch Map on the page I referenced will allow you to get beyond the basic 'GM' sounds. That's a huge first step to begin with.
Once you grasp how that works, you can start customizing it.

Honestly; it is not very hard once you can see the synth and the manual (with the banks laid out). I suggest starting with the 1080 Patch Map I referenced and just adding to it.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome