Thanks for the reply. I have tried to use BIAB in the simplified mode but it doesn't help in ~how to use this thing~. The videos on are several years out of date and mostly worthless to a new user. Those on the youtube channel are mostly showcasing new features, testimonials, advanced features, or demonstrations of new realtracks, not how to use the product.

Everyone says BIAB does a million things and it's all great. I'm just going to have to take their word for it. My problem is not the icons or the color scheme or even the 75 buttons. It's that there is no intuitive way to navigate the software. Reorganizing the toolbar or adding a dozen more options to a pulldown menu is just nibbling at the edges. I shouldn't have to already be an expert to use this.

I spent a couple hundred dollars on this software but I can't really use it. Unfortunately it's more than 30 days since I bought it so I can't return it. I would pay the same amount for a product with a fraction of the features but a great user interface.

If GarageBand had a way to prescribe the chord progression and add loops that follow the chord progression I would switch to Mac. Because I see the potential of what BIAB can be but they're just shooting themselves in the foot by ignoring the usability of their product.