Sure Eddie,

If I thought it would be worth 100,000 more units sold who wouldn't?

I think the point I agree with is don't be blocked by fear and just forge ahead and keep writing fearlessly and put stuff out. Do the BEST YOU CAN but don't be afraid. Don't be timid. Stay away from critics. There are so many critics out there who can't play a d..... thing. Who needs 'em? There are so many song evaluations that are pure crap. Who needs 'em? I am on the side of the brave is all I am saying. Did Bob Dylan give a flyin' flip about what anyone thought of his voice? No, he just did it. So any fool would remix an album if they thought it would sell more. I think the point is don't suffer from paralysis by analysis. Don't be afraid of what people might say. Just create for God's sake and get the train rolling. If you want to remix later then do it, fine. But keep moving. Do the best you can in the moment and keep moving. Isn't that the frickin' point here?

I wonder if anyone has any idea how many BAD songs the Beatles wrong. There are HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of them.

What you hear is the good stuff.

Keep moving.