I think if you look at it from the perspective of practice, it's a good idea. This is true with any art form, whether it's writing, drawing, painting, sculpting, making music, etc. So long as you are working on something, you're working towards honing your craft.

I don't know about you guys, but for me personally I spend probably about 90% of my year with artist block. If I didn't push myself to finish every piece, I often times wonder what I would finish.

Even if you don't like something, finish it. Even if it's not what you expected it to be, or if it's not perfect to you, or doesn't entirely match what you had envisioned -- finish it.

Mix and master it if you want to, or don't. You can use it as a learning tool for yourself moving forward. You grow with each piece you create, so why stop that growth just because the song isn't your best?

It's ultimately up to you if you decide to put one of those pieces on an album, or release it to the public, but you should always finish your projects, no matter how hard or how much you dislike them in that moment.

Fighting through those moments is what helps me break through my artist block, and then the inspiration just keeps on flowing.

It has its merits, for sure.
