Originally Posted By: RnAM
We remember this one! We were in that project as well.
Your contribution is great.
Would you mind also placing a link to the "non-audiophile" version so that we can compare both versions?

Rob and Anne-Marie

Hi Rob and Anne-Marie,

Thanks for passing through the thread and having a listen. Much appreciated.

I remember your song, too!

The original version of "He's An African Rhino" is no longer on Soundcloud. That said, though, I'll upload both versions as wav files to Dropbox so that you can compare them. I just need to make sure that the original version uses the same processing as this later version so that you can compare the two on equal footing.

I'll send you a private message with details as soon as I've done this.

All the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024