Ah, that seems to work! I get misled however, because the VU Meter shows only the left track input (which may be correct in a sense?) and the Record Audio dialog box prominently proclaims "Track type is Stereo" which may be accidentally hard-coded. Nevertheless, when I play back now I hear my lovely voice right in the center.

The "this song" dropdown is kinda stubborn and stays grayed out. I was able to get it to free up (offering both stereo and mono) by converting the track. After that you can select mono or stereo and it will bring up the convert track dialogue box.

Thanks very much!

Originally Posted By: Kent - PG Music
Hi Steve,

If you haven't recorded audio in that song yet, then it doesn't have an audio track, and that drop-down menu will be greyed out. You can just change the "new songs" setting, and it'll automatically change the "this song" setting.

PG Music