Why is the file find worse than on XP? Going backwards.
Why is the MS backup worse than on XP? Going backwards.
Why do they not allow you to download the updates to a separate file to apply the updates when you choose to apply them so you can keep the system clean of internet junk or poor software uninstalls? Not only that you can reapply the update if needed as I did with XP maybe 5 times. It is a great idea and they use to use that great idea. Going backwards.

To summarize they increase memory (great) but loose a few great features and ideas along the way. My best guess is loss of the personnel who programmed those great features or the management who realized they were good features.

Windows is notorious for being flaky? Always has been. I have heard this from repair people who work 8+ hours a day at this stuff and know windows better than anyone on this site. I had this issue very recently and I didn't blame windows. I mentioned it to the repair guy and he said "Windows is like that". Why do you have to reboot it to clean it up? Actually this issue occurred during a reboot and I had to do it again.

Solve the first 3 issues and I would have no complaints about windows.

Regarding how people choose to allocate their time (whether they choose to buy the software later after all the bug fixes in the service packs have come out to save themselves the hassles) is personal preference issue often having a lot to do with how busy they are with other activities or how much money is at stake. Again based upon my experience and the experience of someone else who managed 200+ programmers I estimate 90% of these updates are bug fixes. It has nothing to do with progress. However the need to apply fixes after the fact will probably never change. It can't since humans will never be perfect but at the same time it is all relative. On the trader's forum I visit many of the traders hold back on upgrading their software as long as possible because they can't afford to have their software go down while they are in trades and some of them get really angry when it does go down during the trading day. They do this with the execution software, the charting software and Windows too. The people who offer the execution software I use know this and they keep their prior release available to serve this much more demanding way of thinking (they state on the website that it is proven to be more stable). Microsoft does not do that. Why do they not keep selling windows 7 when all its service packs and updates are complete after windows 10 has come out? The the traders have a lot different way of thinking than someone running BIAB after hours who can afford to put up with the bugs. Its just music. Who cares? However if I am running a jam and I ever find windows update running on me after I disabled it I won't be to happy. That is why I started this thread and if that happens I will remove Win10.

Last edited by bowlesj; 06/20/18 02:54 AM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: