Enjoyment...well, not so much but I'm getting there.

First for $3 you don't get a help file, you don't get a forum, you get squat. The website that does have all that amazing content has a FAQ but it's not sorted or anything and it's pretty useless for specific questions. Google searches are the same. Not enough people using it probably. You're on your own and all I can say is man o man it ain't easy.

My problem is basic. After I downloaded all those 5,000 plus songs there are still a whole bunch I need that are not there. There are multiple ways to get new songs into Fakebook Pro. I'm not going to list them all, suffice it to say initially, like half of yesterday, none of them worked for me. None, nada, zip.

Finally I figured out the "trick" for one and now this afternoon I've been whipping through quite a few songs. Two other ways that I would like to work, still don't and I emailed the developer in Sweden. Still, one good way is enough for now. If someone is having issues let me know.

I keep reminding myself this is really no different from nooby's having a tough time getting started with Biab. Tablets and Apps are new to me so I'm having a tough time too. These things are always easy once you know how...

Oh, almost forgot I created a playist and started with the tunes that are in my downloaded database. I put about 25 into my new playlist, went to put another one and the playlist is gone! GONE?! At least they're all in the master songlist so I had to recreate my playlist and put them all back. No issues since and I'll chalk that up to me fumble fingering around and touching something my mistake. The lesson there is you gotta be careful with touchscreens!

The other lesson is I need to run out and get an SD card. You can do a full backup that way so if that happens again it's there. I can also do it to the cloud but a cloud transfer of new songs is one of the ways that is not working for me right now and believe me I've tried. Amazon Prime, Google Drive, OneDrive, nope. Ain't happening.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.