I read the lyrics first and thought “I hope the song is better”. The song was okay and I might try to listen to more of her stuff if not for that dumb word. I think using the f word here is just plain short sighted. She has just, with one word, turned off a whole section of potential listeners. My life is too short!

I am not a prude but don’t enjoy it when people use swear words in ordinary conversation either. I work in a high class financial institution and am currently sitting on the top floor with all the larneys because that is where the project users are. The language that flies around that office is like I have never heard before in my 30 plus years of working. Strangely it is the young girls who do it. I think they just don’t care who they offend. It just plain leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
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