Originally Posted By: jazzmammal
Correct. Wendy, it's still a new version of Biab whether you need 64 bit or not. It has many enhancements, new styles, new midi Supertracks, new performances, lots of cool stuff.

Probably 90% of current users are like you, 64 bit does nothing for them and they don't care about using Biab as a VST in a DAW either. But, it brings PG Music into the modern world of 64 bit apps and that's a good thing. The fact that most of us are not power users doesn't mean that others are not high level power users. They will use the VST in a DAW plus they appreciate being able to use 64 bit plugins natively.

Biab needs to be able to accommodate all levels of users from basic to studio pros with degrees in music production.

To those who are having issues with the VST in a DAW part, this is brand new. We know it does work and it's better in some DAW's than others right now. Give it a little time, I'm amazed they got this far with it.


Im no power user.I just use it like its my own personal Band and I dont have to buy the drinks.I took this up two yrs ago and its let me make backing tracks for the stuff I sing in the way that I want it to be and have more or less ditched commecially made bTs.I found some ideas I have shall we say Challenging but the posters on here have so much knowhow that Ive usually got it done.Im immensely grateful for the advise.
Iwonder though if creating NEW styles in MIDI have been abandoned now.Sure there are about 2000 already maybe more but it seems to be all aimed at RTs which I adore. But I just wondered is all.

Last edited by WendyM; 12/03/18 11:53 AM.

BiaB2022PLUS,927. every extras pack I can find ;-),Sonar7XL,Win 10