John, good thoughts. Thank you!
This was a very strange experience because midi tracks were not aligned to BIAB mixer. I opened Halion Sonic VST on second monitor, so I can pinpoint what channel in which mixer is playing what, so I can adjust things properly, otherwise it was a huge bowl of spaghetti smile

As soon as I got it close enough to what I wanted, I just exported everything (Midi / RT) as individual WAV files. Seemed to do the trick.

Noel, Thank you for trying to encourage me to use R.Band, but this quest is probably the last piece of puzzle for me as far as composing software goes... To merry vArranger to BIAB. I am 65% there. I am happy I got this far smile I feel that learning RB would be a distraction. I better use this time to master BIAB.

P.S. Many things had been suggested for BIAB mixer... If it was open to more channels and added functions, I believe it would solve many issues related to GM Midi / Midi + Realtracks.

Thank you!