Come one PG Music.

You hear the voices of the very people that have made your company successful beyond your wildest dreams and bring this feature back.

I have yet to hear 1 single person who likes the removal of these needed features we have come to love over the past years.

Did anyone in your 2019 planning meetings voice the opinion that the thousands of users will love it if we take these features out without asking their opinion?

Bring these 5 features back please.

A) Sort by clicking on the appropriate column heading

B) Quickly navigate to a song title by entering the starting letter for the first word in the song title

C) Sort by song title, not folder / sub folder hierarchy

D) Reinstate the checkbox option that permits "play when chosen" when the checkbox is checked. Hopefully the default will be enabled.

E) Bring back the Last Used Directory feature so we don't have to keep clicking our mice to get to where we really want to be.


Windows 10 Pro