Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
Originally Posted By: MarioD
Originally Posted By: Dave
Thanks VT

PGM often seem to hurry to bring new features to market at the expense of ensuring that they 1)really work, and 2) don't affect an existing feature. This is not the first time it has happened, and for sure it will not be the last.

They are not alone. There is an uproar over on the Kontakt site because Kontakt 6 eliminated the all important database. So if you want an oboe sound for example you have to remember where it was located. Many of us have a lot of Kontakt and third part patches so that database was important.

To be fair, I have used Kontakt (and tons of other music software products) and have never seen an upgrade that had broken features anything like the BIAB VST.

A quote for quote's sake, and that's not some Japanese rice drink: this doggone VST seems more useful to me, if it works and i wouldn't have to set my Cooking Alarm for 10 minutes each and every time i throw it in the ring, than the VideoTracking business from last year ever was. So let PG face it's own music; who knows they'll come up with a great tool after all ... but i'm fed up testing it, i'll wait 'till there's a green light ... And we need more fixes than only the VST BTW.