Great song, Torrey. Nice melody and good lyrics, too. Your arrangement is also well done. I wish I could play my guitar as well as you play just one of those instruments. (I know, practice, practice, practice . . . .) No one else mentioned this, but I was sure I heard some horns at the end of the first three lines in both verses. Did you create that sound with your guitars?

Tom Levan (pronounced La-VAN)
BiaB 2024 Win UltraPAK Build 1109, Xtra Style PAKs 1-11, RB 2024, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Intel Q9650 3 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD & 2 TB HDD, Tracktion 6 & 7 (freebies), Cakewalk, Audacity, MuseScore 2.1 & 3.4, Synthesizer V