Originally Posted By: Jim
You have a nice sounding composition...
I think it is a little fast for the lyrical subject matter...
The nice thing about YouTube is that the video speed is adjustable...
I slowed the video down 75% & it seemed to play without any artifacts...
To my ears it also sounded more suitable for the lyrical content...
That would be about 105 bpm in Biab which would be in the recommended range of 70-110.
Hope this helps... & I enjoyed listening.

Thanks, Jim for your comments. It may be a little fast for some singers, but the tempo of the song enhances the upbeat, happy, fun feel of the song. I didn't have any problems singing the lyrics (to myself, of course) at this tempo. However, someone else may want to slow the tempo a bit to make it easier to sing, but I don't think it should be slower than 130 partly because the "magic feel" of the song starts to fade and partly because the length of the song increases too much past the 5 minute mark. Also, I tried your suggestion to slow down the speed on Youtube, but I clearly heard some artifacts when I did that---especially in the cymbals on the drum track. To do a fair comparison without artifacts, I should redo the arrangement in BiaB at a lower tempo, which I may do if a vocalist objects to the current tempo.

Tom Levan (pronounced La-VAN)
BiaB 2024 Win UltraPAK Build 1109, Xtra Style PAKs 1-11, RB 2024, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Intel Q9650 3 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD & 2 TB HDD, Tracktion 6 & 7 (freebies), Cakewalk, Audacity, MuseScore 2.1 & 3.4, Synthesizer V