All this fun talk of Herbfest made me think about something. Until I visited Pat, I had no idea just how many users here are in the Carolinas. Given that, what would the objections be, if any rational objections exist, to require at the very minimum a user list his state? I mean, privacy? C'mon. What kind of paranoia is it to care who knows what state you are in? Besides which, as I just showed one user here, with the internet anybody with minimal internet skills can find you in about 5 minutes. Complete with a picture of your house if they choose to take it that far. Of course nobody is asking for home address and such, as that is obviously taking it too far, but in the spirit of community and the "musician bro" factor, it would be great to know where everybody is.

That way, as we plan Herbfest, we know who to expect will descend on his property!!

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.