Hi DannyJo,

I take it that you have a melody present that you don't want to hear. Some styles have a melody associated with them and some do not.

If the melody is a MIDI melody, the way to get rid of it is...

1. Select "Melody" on the uppermost menu bar.

2. Select "Edit Melody Track".

3. Now select "Form" and then "Kill entire melody".

If the Melody is a Realtrack,

1. Right-click on the instrument located on "Melody" in the mixer..

2. Select "Track actions"

3. Select "Erase Track".

See if these options help.

When starting a new song file, it is always a good idea to select "New" from under the "File" menu. This will clear any melodies that were present in the previous song.


Audiophile BIAB 2024