I have purchased Band IN A BOX POWER TRACKS,REAL BAND,ever since I had my Atari 1040 ST. The program ran on one floppy disk,the program was as was fantastic and so ahead of it's time. In those Days you had to watch Peter Gannon videos to do the setup. If I still had my Atari ,I would run it off the floppy long story short in my opinion the program has not improved that much since the original version. I have been a DELL/MAC certified computer tech since 1998.I am fortunate enough to own the AVID PRO TOOLS QUARTET by Apogee,one of the highest priced PC interfaces on the market. I do not buy Avid it is very over priced in my opinion. I have the free version PRO TOOLS FIRST.I got some decent plug ins with my AKAI MPK88. VIP 32 and 64 bit thousands of patches etc. My computers are usually top of the heap at least 32GB RAM 6 or 8 core processor,but in reality for me BIAB/REAL BAND has become too complicated and crashes when I try to transfer a song from one program to the other.I spend more time restarting than getting any music done.I set the inputs and outputs on BIAB then the song won't play in REAL BAND the inputs and outputs are different. Windows 10 latest version 64bit, Then I get the inputs and outputs set in REAL BAND not enough memory resources and it crashes do you need 64 gigs of of ram and a 16 core processor to run the programs? Too bad my Atari quit working I gave it to the Good Will and now they cost a small fortune. I converted my original Atari files from 20 years ago so I can play them back .Honestly they sounded just as good on Windows 95 version6?. Went all out last year bought the AUDIOPHILE no more until I can actually use the programs without pops, hisses,hesitations and crashes. I always run the updates. If anyone can give me a heads up on what I am missing I would appreciate it. Happy,Safest and Warm Holidays To All!