I was hesitant for a few weeks to recommend the Focusrite brand.
But I do now.
Story below (in case you want to skip it)

I had a Focusrite 2i2 that worked fine for many years (something small and easy to take somewhere was why I got it).
I also had a couple Delta 1010s for many years, right up until I got the Focusrite 18i20 recently.

Mind you, the computer I had was still almost as old as the Delta 1010 <grin>
On that system the 18i20 gave me 'crackles'. I could hear them, but I had to kind of focus on it to hear it.

Well, the reason I got the 18i20 was in preparation for a new computer. W7 is going away very soon as far as support.
Good excuse as any to get a newer machine.

So I now have my new system, have re-installed most music related items and am happy to say everything is working nicely and the Focusrite crackling issue went away. I assume it had to do with the USB on the older machine.

To make a long story short (I know, too late) .. I really like the Focusrite line now, and the software mixer part is nice too, so I'm now another happy Focusrite user.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome