Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hi Dave & Chris,

I can't remember any of your productions that I might not have liked a lot, but I like this one an AWFUL lot. Great song, fantastically sung, Chris!!!!.

Excellent playing, Dave, your guitar sounds wonderful. As does the whole thing - really ear candy.

And you know what: I just bought that WAVES bass plug-in (at the moment itÄs only 30 $), because the bass is sounding so good.

Very well done !!!!!!!

All the best for 2020,


Thanks, Stefan!

Have fun with the CLA Bass plugin, it's a good one. I also recommend CLA Drums (I use it on almost every song), CLA Guitars (likewise), CLA Unplugged (I use it on pianos and acoustic guitars), and CLA Vocals. I don't use CLA Vocals as much as I used to, but used it on the BG vocals on this song.