Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hello Alan,

so good to hear another great tune coming out of Alan's Magical Juke Box.

Once again so very nicely written and produced - some folks used the word 'smooth' - and, yes, that's what it is: smooth and warm.

You really seem to know every secret of BIAB, and the speed you put your great songs together is simply amazing.

Maha and I really hope so much that there will be no need for Di to spend time in the hospital in the future !

Alan, I love your songs.

All the best to Di and you, and, as Floyd wrote: Stay in.

Stay healthy,


Hello Stefan ..

I always smile when I see a comment or song from you ... makes my day! First, Di and I hope Maha is getting better as the days pass. We think of you and her quite often. And thanks for you well wishes for Di. She's doing a little better today.

"Magical Juke Box"? I like that! I'm delighted you en joyed this song. BIAB deserves most of the credit ... I just fill in some chords, find a few tracks and a basic style ... then BIAB does the rest. But thank you for those kind words.

I know so little about the technical elements of BIAB it's almost exciting. I know enough to put together a half-way decent song. I need to study many of its secrets still unknown to me.

Wishing you and your beautiful wife the very best. As i said, we think of you two often ... almost daily

Alan & Di

BIAB 2024 Ultra Plus-all StylePaks*Win11*16GB DDR5*Rhyzen 9745x*AT 2035 Mic*Peavey Nashville 112 Amp*Ibanez ART120* Acoustic/Electric/Washburn D200S Acoustic*Stromberg Monterey Jazz Guitar

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