Hi Alan and sleeping beauty,

I was lucky to scroll through all the posts on your song, Alan. I wanted to say something about sleeping Di while you were creating a masterpiece before she woke up! Then I read Stefans'remarks. He started with that exact same sentence I had in mind!
I think we both got caught by the image Di taking a nap and in that same time you hurried on the sologuitar to get the solo done. When listening attentively I can hear you were in a hurry playing that solo.

I might have told you I am not very fond of instrumentals, except yours and recently also those of F.F.M and Tangmo (but yours first of course), and there is a reason for that; with your music on I can easely picturize myself somewhere in a lounge or whatever, behaving like a dandy and try to impress others... No not that, I just can see myself sipping my drink and enjoying your song. That's what happens when listening to your songs. And I like that!

But what I don't get is it only took you 6 hours to make this song, mixing it and mastering it too. I can be quick, but you beat me with this! And still it stays a very good song (while Di sleeps...). That's magic!
And what happened when she woke up? Was she anoyed you didn't make the food?

I enjoyed this song, Alan. Give Di my best regards,

Hans Berkhout