Hello fruitymembers.

First of all, I would like to thank you very much for your judicious advice which will enable you to improve this soundtrack.

I will try to summarize the improvements suggested in your comments.

For Robertkc, female voices don't sound so natural and the pennywhisle needs to be more prominent.

For you CaptainMoto, fade in at the beginning, for a less brutal entry and outro, adjust the chorus on the orchestra and put a fade out. The volume of the choirs should be slightly increased.

For you, Rustyspoon, backing vocals too abruptly in places and a delay can be applied in places.

For you, FloydJane, the Irish flute should be a little louder in volume.

For you, Birchwood, the reverb and the volume on the piano are a little too loud, the choirs a little too soft and the outro, the end is to be reviewed to soften it.

Thank you again for your good advice. This will really allow me to improve this atypical soundtrack on which I had a lot of hesitation before depositing it.

I take this opportunity to apologize for the delay in my comments on your compositions.But I will make up for it.

Kindly regard

alias JaniJackFlash

Last edited by Dero13; 10/24/20 11:29 PM.

Kindly regards
alias JaniJackFlash